

woensdag 5 november 2014

er zijn altijd waarden om te herontdekken en de geschiedenis volgt een voortgang in de tijd//

Abraham Lincoln, Republican candidate for the ...
Abraham Lincoln, Republican candidate for the presidency, 1860
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent." 
-- Abraham Lincoln, October 16, 1854

I must saywrite: sometimes I get the feeling I am working in the cottonfields of the South and share in the campaign, I cannot conceive such is just by my own willing tghough I like very much to have found a stable job after all those years of study and reciprocity to world's demanding - adding to the information the time to feel like having got a pause came early this year - how silent is silence on Staten Island? 
"things and circumstances, numbers too,
can vary, people don't" - Cl5

To my occupations there is no stop at first sight to be discovered but still I all the time think I should be ready for different things to do before such is too late//
This might be childish to make a notification to but I wonder, still, how old I am actually for the fact I can't feel my calendar years weighting//